
Spatial enrichment of the type 1 interferon signature in the brain of a neuropsychiatric lupus murine modelYingying Zhang, Brianna Watson, Ajitanuj Rattan, Tyrone Lee, Smriti Chawla, Ludwig Geistlinger, YilinGuan, Minghe Ma, Barbara J. Caldarone, Wenchao Song, Jeffrey R. Moffitt, Michael C. CarrollbioRxiv2024
Lupus-associated innate receptors drive extrafollicular evolution of autoreactive B cellsDanni Yi-Dan Zhu, Daniel P. Maurer, Carlos Castrillon, Yixiang Deng, Faez Amokrane Nait Mohamed, Minghe Ma, Aaron G. Schmidt, Daniel Lingwood, Michael C. CarrollbioRxiv2024
Invasion of spontaneous germinal centers by naive B cells is rapid and persistentvan den Broek T, Oleinika K, Rahmayanti S, Castrillon C, van der Poel CE, Carroll MCScience Immunology2024
T cell help shapes B cell toleranceAkama-Garren EH, Yin X, Prestwood TR, Ma M, Utz PJ, Carroll MC. Science Immunology2024
Spatial enrichment of the type 1 interferon signature in the brain of a neuropsychiatric lupus murine model. Aw E, Zhang Y, Yalcin E, Herrmann U, Lin SL, Langston K, Castrillon C, Ma M, Moffitt JR, Carroll MC. Brain,Behavior and Immunity2023
Antigen presentation by B cells enables epitope spreading across an MHC barrier. Fahlquist-Hagert C, Wittenborn TR, Terczyńska-Dyla E, Kastberg KS, Yang E, Rallistan AN, Markett QR, Winther G, Fonager S, Voss LF, Pedersen MK, van Campen N, Ferapontov A, Jensen L, Huang J, Nieland JD, van der Poel CE, Palmfeldt J, Carroll MC, Utz PJ, Luo Y, Lin L, Degn SENature Communications2023
Complex subsets but redundant clonality after B cells egress from spontaneous germinal centers. Castrillon C, Simoni L, van den Broek T, van der Poel C, Akama-Garren EH, Ma M, Carroll MC. Elife2023
T cell help in the autoreactive germinal center. Akama-Garren EH, Carroll MCScandinavian Journal of Immunology2022
Lupus Susceptibility Loci Predispose Mice to Clonal Lymphocytic Responses and Myeloid Expansion. Akama-Garren EH, Carroll MCJournal of Immunology2022
Follicular T cells are clonally and transcriptionally distinct in B cell-driven mouse autoimmune diseaseAkama-Garren EH, van den Broek T, Simoni L, Castrillon C, van der Poel CE, Carroll MCNature Communications2021
Overexpression of schizophrenia susceptibility factor human complement C4A promotes excessive synaptic loss and behavioral changes in miceYilmaz M, Yalcin E, Presumey J, Aw E, Ma M, Whelan CW, Stevens B, McCarroll SA, Carroll MCNature Neuroscience2020
Microglial responses to peripheral type 1 interferon
Ernest Aw, Yingying Zhang, Michael Carroll.Journal of Neuroinflammation2020
An Ultrahigh-Affinity Complement C4b-Specific Nanobody Inhibits In Vivo Assembly of the Classical Pathway ProconvertaseZarantonello A, Presumey J, Simoni L, Yalcin E, Fox R, Hansen A, Olesen HG, Thiel S, Johnson MB, Stevens B, Laursen NS, Carroll MC, Andersen GR.Journal of Immunology2020
Complement C4A Regulates Autoreactive B Cells in Murine LupusLéa Simoni, Jessy Presumey, Cees E van der Poel , Carlos Castrillon , Sarah E Chang , Paul J Utz , Michael C Carroll.Cell Reports2020
Protection against influenza infection requires early recognition by inflammatory dendritic cells through C-type lectin receptor SIGN-R1.Palomino-Segura M, Perez L, Farsakoglu Y, Virgilio T, Latino I, D'Antuono R, Chatziandreou N, Pizzagalli DU, Wang G, García-Sastre A, Sallusto F, Carroll MC, Neyrolles O, Gonzalez SF. Nature Microbiology2019
Follicular Dendritic Cells Modulate Germinal Center B Cell Diversity through FcγRIIB.van der Poel CE, Bajic G, Macaulay CW, van den Broek T, Ellson CD, Bouma G, Victora GD, Degn SE, Carroll MCCell Reports2019
Mechanosensing by Peyer's patch stroma regulates lymphocyte migration and mucosal antibody responsesChang JE, Buechler MB, Gressier E, Turley SJ, Carroll MCNature immunology2019
Capturing change in clonal composition amongst single mouse germinal centersFirl DJ, Degn SE, Padera T, Carroll MCElife2018
B cell tolerance to epidermal ribonuclear-associated neo-autoantigen in vivoDegn SE, Alicot E, Carroll MCClinical and experimental immunology2018
Clonal Evolution of Autoreactive Germinal CentersDegn SE, van der Poel CE, Firl DJ, Ayoglu B, Al Qureshah FA, Bajic G, Mesin L, Reynaud CA, Weill JC, Utz PJ, Victora GD, Carroll MCCell2017
Complement System in Neural Synapse Elimination in Development and DiseasePresumey J, Bialas AR, Carroll MCAdvances in immunology2017
Untangling Fc and complement receptors to kill tumorsvan der Poel CE, Carroll MCNature immunology2017
C3d regulates immune checkpoint blockade and enhances antitumor immunityPlatt JL, Silva I, Balin SJ, Lefferts AR, Farkash E, Ross TM, Carroll MC, Cascalho MJCI insight2017
Macrophage Death following Influenza Vaccination Initiates the Inflammatory Response that Promotes Dendritic Cell Function in the Draining Lymph NodeChatziandreou N, Farsakoglu Y, Palomino-Segura M, D'Antuono R, Pizzagalli DU, Sallusto F, Lukacs-Kornek V, Uguccioni M, Corti D, Turley SJ, Lanzavecchia A, Carroll MC, Gonzalez SFCell reports2017
Follicular Dendritic Cell Activation by TLR Ligands Promotes Autoreactive B Cell ResponsesDas A, Heesters BA, Bialas A, O'Flynn J, Rifkin IR, Ochando J, Mittereder N, Carlesso G, Herbst R, Carroll MCImmunity2017
Follicular Dendritic Cell Isolation and Loading of Immune ComplexesHeesters BA, Van der Poel CE, Carroll MCMethods in molecular biology2017
Antigen Presentation to B CellsHeesters BA, van der Poel CE, Das A, Carroll MCTrends in immunology2016
The Role of Dendritic Cells in S. pneumoniae Transport to Follicular Dendritic CellsHeesters BA, Carroll MCCell reports2016
Cutting Edge: Marginal Zone Macrophages Regulate Antigen Transport by B Cells to the Follicle in the Spleen via CD21Prokopec KE, Georgoudaki AM, Sohn S, Wermeling F, Grönlund H, Lindh E, Carroll MC, Karlsson MCJournal of immunology2016
Prevention of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in humanized miceSheu EG, Wakatsuki K, Oakes S, Carroll MC, Moore FD JrSurgery2016
Schizophrenia risk from complex variation of complement component 4Sekar A, Bialas AR, de Rivera H, Davis A, Hammond TR, Kamitaki N, Tooley K, Presumey J, Baum M, Van Doren V, Genovese G, Rose SA, Handsaker RE, Daly MJ, Carroll MC, Stevens B, McCarroll SANature2016
Natural IgM Blockade Limits Infarct Expansion and Left Ventricular Dysfunction in a Swine Myocardial Infarct ModelSihag S, Haas MS, Kim KM, Guerrero JL, Beaudoin J, Alicot EM, Schuerpf F, Gottschall JD, Puro RJ, Madsen JC, Sachs DH, Newman W, Carroll MC, Allan JSCirculation, Cardiovascular interventions2016
Follicular Dendritic Cells Retain Infectious HIV in Cycling EndosomesHeesters BA, Lindqvist M, Vagefi PA, Scully EP, Schildberg FA, Altfeld M, Walker BD, Kaufmann DE, Carroll MCPLoS pathogens2015
Nomenclature of Toso, Fas apoptosis inhibitory molecule 3, and IgM FcRKubagawa H, Carroll MC, Jacob CO, Lang KS, Lee KH, Mak T, McAndrews M, Morse HC 3rd, Nolan GP, Ohno H, Richter GH, Seal R, Wang JY, Wiestner A, Coligan JEJournal of immunology2015
The CLEC-2-podoplanin axis controls the contractility of fibroblastic reticular cells and lymph node microarchitectureAstarita JL, Cremasco V, Fu J, Darnell MC, Peck JR, Nieves-Bonilla JM, Song K, Kondo Y, Woodruff MC, Gogineni A, Onder L, Ludewig B, Weimer RM, Carroll MC, Mooney DJ, Xia L, Turley SJNature immunology2015
Do follicular dendritic cells regulate lupus-specific B cells?Heesters BA, Das A, Chatterjee P, Carroll MCMolecular immunology2014
B cell homeostasis and follicle confines are governed by fibroblastic reticular cellsCremasco V, Woodruff MC, Onder L, Cupovic J, Nieves-Bonilla JM, Schildberg FA, Chang J, Cremasco F, Harvey CJ, Wucherpfennig K, Ludewig B, Carroll MC, Turley SJNature immunology2014
L-Rhamnose-containing supramolecular nanofibrils as potential immunosuppressive materialsZhao F, Heesters BA, Chiu I, Gao Y, Shi J, Zhou N, Carroll MC, Xu BOrganic & biomolecular chemistry2014
Trans-nodal migration of resident dendritic cells into medullary interfollicular regions initiates immunity to influenza vaccineWoodruff MC, Heesters BA, Herndon CN, Groom JR, Thomas PG, Luster AD, Turley SJ, Carroll MCThe Journal of experimental medicine2014
B cells regulate CD4+ T cell responses to papain following B cell receptor-independent papain uptakeDwyer DF, Woodruff MC, Carroll MC, Austen KF, Gurish MFJournal of immunology2014
Follicular dendritic cells: dynamic antigen librariesHeesters BA, Myers RC, Carroll MCNature reviews, Immunology2014
Bacteria activate sensory neurons that modulate pain and inflammationChiu IM, Heesters BA, Ghasemlou N, Von Hehn CA, Zhao F, Tran J, Wainger B, Strominger A, Muralidharan S, Horswill AR, Bubeck Wardenburg J, Hwang SW, Carroll MC, Woolf CJNature2013
Contextual analysis of immunological response through whole-organ fluorescent imagingWoodruff MC, Herndon CN, Heesters BA, Carroll MCLymphatic research and biology2013
Complement C4 maintains peripheral B-cell tolerance in a myeloid cell dependent mannerChatterjee P, Agyemang AF, Alimzhanov MB, Degn S, Tsiftsoglou SA, Alicot E, Jones SA, Ma M, Carroll MCEuropean journal of immunology2013
A neurodegeneration-specific gene-expression signature of acutely isolated microglia from an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mouse modelChiu IM, Morimoto ET, Goodarzi H, Liao JT, O'Keeffe S, Phatnani HP, Muratet M, Carroll MC, Levy S, Tavazoie S, Myers RM, Maniatis TCell reports2013
Endocytosis and recycling of immune complexes by follicular dendritic cells enhances B cell antigen binding and activationHeesters BA, Chatterjee P, Kim YA, Gonzalez SF, Kuligowski MP, Kirchhausen T, Carroll MCImmunity2013
Cochlin produced by follicular dendritic cells promotes antibacterial innate immunityPy BF, Gonzalez SF, Long K, Kim MS, Kim YA, Zhu H, Yao J, Degauque N, Villet R, Ymele-Leki P, Gadjeva M, Pier GB, Carroll MC, Yuan JImmunity2013
Protective anti-inflammatory effect of ADAMTS13 on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in miceDe Meyer SF, Savchenko AS, Haas MS, Schatzberg D, Carroll MC, Schiviz A, Dietrich B, Rottensteiner H, Scheiflinger F, Wagner DDBlood2012
Podoplanin-rich stromal networks induce dendritic cell motility via activation of the C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2Acton SE, Astarita JL, Malhotra D, Lukacs-Kornek V, Franz B, Hess PR, Jakus Z, Kuligowski M, Fletcher AL, Elpek KG, Bellemare-Pelletier A, Sceats L, Reynoso ED, Gonzalez SF, Graham DB, Chang J, Peters A, Woodruff M, Kim YA, Swat W, Morita T, Kuchroo V, Carroll MC, Kahn ML, Wucherpfennig KW, Turley SJImmunity2012
Regulation of humoral immunity by complementCarroll MC, Isenman DEImmunity2012
SAP expression in invariant NKT cells is required for cognate help to support B-cell responsesDetre C, Keszei M, Garrido-Mesa N, Kis-Toth K, Castro W, Agyemang AF, Veerapen N, Besra GS, Carroll MC, Tsokos GC, Wang N, Leadbetter EA, Terhorst CBlood2012
Complement component C3 and complement receptor type 3 contribute to the phagocytosis and clearance of fibrillar Aβ by microgliaFu H, Liu B, Frost JL, Hong S, Jin M, Ostaszewski B, Shankar GM, Costantino IM, Carroll MC, Mayadas TN, Lemere CAGlia2012
Transcriptional profiling of stroma from inflamed and resting lymph nodes defines immunological hallmarksMalhotra D, Fletcher AL, Astarita J, Lukacs-Kornek V, Tayalia P, Gonzalez SF, Elpek KG, Chang SK, Knoblich K, Hemler ME, Brenner MB, Carroll MC, Mooney DJ, Turley SJNature immunology2012
Th17 cells induce ectopic lymphoid follicles in central nervous system tissue inflammationPeters A, Pitcher LA, Sullivan JM, Mitsdoerffer M, Acton SE, Franz B, Wucherpfennig K, Turley S, Carroll MC, Sobel RA, Bettelli E, Kuchroo VKImmunity2011
Requirement for complement in antibody responses is not explained by the classic pathway activator IgMRutemark C, Alicot E, Bergman A, Ma M, Getahun A, Ellmerich S, Carroll MC, Heyman BProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2011
Acquisition and presentation of follicular dendritic cell-bound antigen by lymph node-resident dendritic cellsMcCloskey ML, Curotto de Lafaille MA, Carroll MC, Erlebacher AThe Journal of experimental medicine2011
Trafficking of B cell antigen in lymph nodesGonzalez SF, Degn SE, Pitcher LA, Woodruff M, Heesters BA, Carroll MCAnnual review of immunology2011
B cell subsets contribute to renal injury and renal protection after ischemia/reperfusionRenner B, Strassheim D, Amura CR, Kulik L, Ljubanovic D, Glogowska MJ, Takahashi K, Carroll MC, Holers VM, Thurman JMJournal of immunology2010
Complement-dependent transport of antigen into B cell folliclesGonzalez SF, Lukacs-Kornek V, Kuligowski MP, Pitcher LA, Degn SE, Turley SJ, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2010
Blockade of self-reactive IgM significantly reduces injury in a murine model of acute myocardial infarctionHaas MS, Alicot EM, Schuerpf F, Chiu I, Li J, Moore FD, Carroll MCCardiovascular research2010
Capture of influenza by medullary dendritic cells via SIGN-R1 is essential for humoral immunity in draining lymph nodesGonzalez SF, Lukacs-Kornek V, Kuligowski MP, Pitcher LA, Degn SE, Kim YA, Cloninger MJ, Martinez-Pomares L, Gordon S, Turley SJ, Carroll MCNature immunology2010
The role of innate immunity in B cell acquisition of antigen within LNsGonzalez SF, Kuligowski MP, Pitcher LA, Roozendaal R, Carroll MCAdvances in immunology2010
Activation of innate and humoral immunity in the peripheral nervous system of ALS transgenic miceChiu IM, Phatnani H, Kuligowski M, Tapia JC, Carrasco MA, Zhang M, Maniatis T, Carroll MCProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2009
Uncoupling CD21 and CD19 of the B-cell coreceptorBarrington RA, Schneider TJ, Pitcher LA, Mempel TR, Ma M, Barteneva NS, Carroll MCProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2009
Restoration of skeletal muscle ischemia-reperfusion injury in humanized immunodeficient miceSheu EG, Oakes SM, Ahmadi-Yazdi C, Afnan J, Carroll MC, Moore FD JrSurgery2009
B cell acquisition of antigen in vivoGonzalez SF, Pitcher LA, Mempel T, Schuerpf F, Carroll MCCurrent opinion in immunology2009
Deficiency of mannose-binding lectin greatly increases antibody response in a mouse model of vaccinationGuttormsen HK, Stuart LM, Shi L, Carroll MC, Chen J, Kasper DL, Ezekowitz RA, Takahashi KClinical immunology2009
Conduits mediate transport of low-molecular-weight antigen to lymph node folliclesRoozendaal R, Mempel TR, Pitcher LA, Gonzalez SF, Verschoor A, Mebius RE, von Andrian UH, Carroll MCImmunity2009
Complement and natural antibody are required in the long-term memory response to influenza virusFernandez Gonzalez S, Jayasekera JP, Carroll MCVaccine2008
Complement and humoral immunityCarroll MCVaccine2008
T lymphocytes potentiate endogenous neuroprotective inflammation in a mouse model of ALSChiu IM, Chen A, Zheng Y, Kosaras B, Tsiftsoglou SA, Vartanian TK, Brown RH Jr, Carroll MCProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2008
Human natural IgM can induce ischemia/reperfusion injury in a murine intestinal modelZhang M, Alicot EM, Carroll MCMolecular immunology2008
Complement C3 deficiency leads to accelerated amyloid beta plaque deposition and neurodegeneration and modulation of the microglia/macrophage phenotype in amyloid precursor protein transgenic miceMaier M, Peng Y, Jiang L, Seabrook TJ, Carroll MC, Lemere CAThe Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience2008
Mannose binding lectin gene deficiency increases susceptibility to traumatic brain injury in miceYager PH, You Z, Qin T, Kim HH, Takahashi K, Ezekowitz AB, Stahl GL, Carroll MC, Whalen MJJournal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism2008
Reduced tissue damage and improved recovery of motor function after traumatic brain injury in mice deficient in complement component C4You Z, Yang J, Takahashi K, Yager PH, Kim HH, Qin T, Stahl GL, Ezekowitz RA, Carroll MC, Whalen MJJournal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism2007
Natural IgM-mediated innate autoimmunity: a new target for early intervention of ischemia-reperfusion injuryZhang M, Carroll MCExpert opinion on biological therapy2007
The presence of MOMA-2+ macrophages in the outer B cell zone and protection of the splenic micro-architecture from LPS-induced destruction depend on secreted IgMFischer MB, Rüger B, Vaculik C, Becherer A, Wadsak W, Yanagida G, Losert UM, Chen J, Carroll MC, Eibl MMEuropean journal of immunology2007
Complement receptors CD21 and CD35 in humoral immunityRoozendaal R, Carroll MCImmunological reviews2007
Circulating C3 is necessary and sufficient for induction of autoantibody-mediated arthritis in a mouse modelMonach PA, Verschoor A, Jacobs JP, Carroll MC, Wagers AJ, Benoist C, Mathis DArthritis and rheumatism2007
Follicular exclusion of autoreactive B cells requires FcgammaRIIbPaul E, Nelde A, Verschoor A, Carroll MCInternational immunology2007
Natural antibody and complement mediate neutralization of influenza virus in the absence of prior immunityJayasekera JP, Moseman EA, Carroll MCJournal of virology2007
Innate response to self-antigen significantly exacerbates burn wound depthSuber F, Carroll MC, Moore FD JrProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2007
B-cell extrinsic CR1/CR2 promotes natural antibody production and tolerance induction of anti-alphaGAL-producing B-1 cellsShimizu I, Kawahara T, Haspot F, Bardwell PD, Carroll MC, Sykes MBlood2007
Natural antibody mediated innate autoimmune responseZhang M, Carroll MCMolecular immunology2007
The differing roles of the classical and mannose-binding lectin complement pathways in the events following skeletal muscle ischemia-reperfusionChan RK, Ibrahim SI, Takahashi K, Kwon E, McCormack M, Ezekowitz A, Carroll MC, Moore FD Jr, Austen WG JrJournal of immunology2006
Activation of the lectin pathway by natural IgM in a model of ischemia/reperfusion injuryZhang M, Takahashi K, Alicot EM, Vorup-Jensen T, Kessler B, Thiel S, Jensenius JC, Ezekowitz RA, Moore FD, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2006
T cell-independent and T cell-dependent immunoglobulin G responses to polyomavirus infection are impaired in complement receptor 2-deficient miceSzomolanyi-Tsuda E, Seedhom MO, Carroll MC, Garcea RLVirology2006
Alternative complement pathway activation is essential for inflammation and joint destruction in the passive transfer model of collagen-induced arthritisBanda NK, Thurman JM, Kraus D, Wood A, Carroll MC, Arend WP, Holers VMJournal of immunology2006
Involvement of NFAT1 in B cell self-toleranceBarrington RA, Borde M, Rao A, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2006
Optimal long-term humoral responses to replication-defective herpes simplex virus require CD21/CD35 complement receptor expression on stromal cellsBrockman MA, Verschoor A, Zhu J, Carroll MC, Knipe DMJournal of virology2006
The role of natural IgM in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injuryZhang M, Michael LH, Grosjean SA, Kelly RA, Carroll MC, Entman MLJournal of molecular and cellular cardiology2006
Factor B of the alternative complement pathway regulates development of airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammationTaube C, Thurman JM, Takeda K, Joetham A, Miyahara N, Carroll MC, Dakhama A, Giclas PC, Holers VM, Gelfand EWProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2006
Emerging patterns in complement-mediated pathogen recognitionRoozendaal R, Carroll MCCell2006
Transcriptional basis of lymphocyte toleranceBorde M, Barrington RA, Heissmeyer V, Carroll MC, Rao AImmunological reviews2006
Attenuation of skeletal muscle reperfusion injury with intravenous 12 amino acid peptides that bind to pathogenic IgMChan RK, Verna N, Afnan J, Zhang M, Ibrahim S, Carroll MC, Moore FD JrSurgery2006
Identification of the target self-antigens in reperfusion injuryZhang M, Alicot EM, Chiu I, Li J, Verna N, Vorup-Jensen T, Kessler B, Shimaoka M, Chan R, Friend D, Mahmood U, Weissleder R, Moore FD, Carroll MCThe Journal of experimental medicine2006
CD21/CD19 coreceptor signaling promotes B cell survival during primary immune responsesBarrington RA, Zhang M, Zhong X, Jonsson H, Holodick N, Cherukuri A, Pierce SK, Rothstein TL, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2005
Mast cell protease 5 mediates ischemia-reperfusion injury of mouse skeletal muscleAbonia JP, Friend DS, Austen WG Jr, Moore FD Jr, Carroll MC, Chan R, Afnan J, Humbles A, Gerard C, Knight P, Kanaoka Y, Yasuda S, Morokawa N, Austen KF, Stevens RL, Gurish MFJournal of immunology2005
Defective B cell responses in the absence of SH2D1AMorra M, Barrington RA, Abadia-Molina AC, Okamoto S, Julien A, Gullo C, Kalsy A, Edwards MJ, Chen G, Spolski R, Leonard WJ, Huber BT, Borrow P, Biron CA, Satoskar AR, Carroll MC, Terhorst CProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2005
Innate autoimmunityCarroll MC, Holers VMAdvances in immunology2005
A protective role for innate immunity in systemic lupus erythematosusCarroll MCNature reviews, Immunology2004
The complement system in regulation of adaptive immunityCarroll MCNature immunology2004
Murine hindlimb reperfusion injury can be initiated by a self-reactive monoclonal IgMAusten WG Jr, Zhang M, Chan R, Friend D, Hechtman HB, Carroll MC, Moore FD JrSurgery2004
The complement system in B cell regulationCarroll MCMolecular immunology2004
Identification of a specific self-reactive IgM antibody that initiates intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injuryZhang M, Austen WG Jr, Chiu I, Alicot EM, Hung R, Ma M, Verna N, Xu M, Hechtman HB, Moore FD Jr, Carroll MCProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2004
B cell receptor signal strength determines B cell fateCasola S, Otipoby KL, Alimzhanov M, Humme S, Uyttersprot N, Kutok JL, Carroll MC, Rajewsky KNature immunology2004
Germinal center checkpoints in B cell tolerance in 3H9 transgenic micePaul E, Lutz J, Erikson J, Carroll MCInternational immunology2004
T cell-independent somatic hypermutation in murine B cells with an immature phenotypeMao C, Jiang L, Melo-Jorge M, Puthenveetil M, Zhang X, Carroll MC, Imanishi-Kari TImmunity2004
Myeloid C3 determines induction of humoral responses to peripheral herpes simplex virus infectionVerschoor A, Brockman MA, Gadjeva M, Knipe DM, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2003
Critical role of the complement system in group B streptococcus-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha releaseLevy O, Jean-Jacques RM, Cywes C, Sisson RB, Zarember KA, Godowski PJ, Christianson JL, Guttormsen HK, Carroll MC, Nicholson-Weller A, Wessels MRInfection and immunity2003
A role for complement in feedback enhancement of antibody responses by IgG3Díaz de Ståhl T, Dahlstrom J, Carroll MC, Heyman BThe Journal of experimental medicine2003
F(ab)'2-mediated neutralization of C3a and C5a anaphylatoxins: a novel effector function of immunoglobulinsBasta M, Van Goor F, Luccioli S, Billings EM, Vortmeyer AO, Baranyi L, Szebeni J, Alving CR, Carroll MC, Berkower I, Stojilkovic SS, Metcalfe DDNature medicine2003
The role of complement and natural antibody in intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injuryAusten WG Jr, Kobzik L, Carroll MC, Hechtman HB, Moore FD JrInternational journal of immunopathology and pharmacology2003
Impaired antibody response to group B streptococcal type III capsular polysaccharide in C3- and complement receptor 2-deficient micePozdnyakova O, Guttormsen HK, Lalani FN, Carroll MC, Kasper DLJournal of immunology2003
Macrophage-derived complement component C4 can restore humoral immunity in C4-deficient miceGadjeva M, Verschoor A, Brockman MA, Jezak H, Shen LM, Knipe DM, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2002
Functional activity of natural antibody is altered in Cr2-deficient miceReid RR, Woodcock S, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Austen WG Jr, Kobzik L, Zhang M, Hechtman HB, Moore FD Jr, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2002
B lymphocyte memory: role of stromal cell complement and FcgammaRIIB receptorsBarrington RA, Pozdnyakova O, Zafari MR, Benjamin CD, Carroll MCThe Journal of experimental medicine2002
Anti-DNA autoreactivity in C4-deficient micePaul E, Pozdnyakova OO, Mitchell E, Carroll MCEuropean journal of immunology2002
Redundant and alternative roles for activating Fc receptors and complement in an antibody-dependent model of autoimmune vitiligoTrcka J, Moroi Y, Clynes RA, Goldberg SM, Bergtold A, Perales MA, Ma M, Ferrone CR, Carroll MC, Ravetch JV, Houghton ANImmunity2002
Immunoglobulin G monoclonal antibodies to Cryptococcus neoformans protect mice deficient in complement component C3Shapiro S, Beenhouwer DO, Feldmesser M, Taborda C, Carroll MC, Casadevall A, Scharff MDInfection and immunity2002
Arthritis critically dependent on innate immune system playersJi H, Ohmura K, Mahmood U, Lee DM, Hofhuis FM, Boackle SA, Takahashi K, Holers VM, Walport M, Gerard C, Ezekowitz A, Carroll MC, Brenner M, Weissleder R, Verbeek JS, Duchatelle V, Degott C, Benoist C, Mathis DImmunity2002
Complement C4 is protective for lupus disease independent of C3Einav S, Pozdnyakova OO, Ma M, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2002
Complement activation in factor D-deficient miceXu Y, Ma M, Ippolito GC, Schroeder HW Jr, Carroll MC, Volanakis JEProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2001
Evidence of a role for C4 in modulating interstitial inflammation in experimental glomerulonephritisWelch TR, Frenzke M, Carroll MC, Witte DPClinical immunology2001
The allogeneic T and B cell response is strongly dependent on complement components C3 and C4Marsh JE, Farmer CK, Jurcevic S, Wang Y, Carroll MC, Sacks SHTransplantation2001
Cutting edge: myeloid complement C3 enhances the humoral response to peripheral viral infectionVerschoor A, Brockman MA, Knipe DM, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2001
Complement is essential for protection by an IgM and an IgG3 monoclonal antibody against experimental, hematogenously disseminated candidiasisHan Y, Kozel TR, Zhang MX, MacGill RS, Carroll MC, Cutler JEJournal of immunology2001
Distinct tissue site-specific requirements of mast cells and complement components C3/C5a receptor in IgG immune complex-induced injury of skin and lungBaumann U, Chouchakova N, Gewecke B, Köhl J, Carroll MC, Schmidt RE, Gessner JEJournal of immunology2001
The role of complement in inflammation and adaptive immunityBarrington R, Zhang M, Fischer M, Carroll MCImmunological reviews2001
Complement facilitates early prion pathogenesisKlein MA, Kaeser PS, Schwarz P, Weyd H, Xenarios I, Zinkernagel RM, Carroll MC, Verbeek JS, Botto M, Walport MJ, Molina H, Kalinke U, Acha-Orbea H, Aguzzi ANature medicine2001
A role for CD21/CD35 and CD19 in responses to acute septic peritonitis: a potential mechanism for mast cell activationGommerman JL, Oh DY, Zhou X, Tedder TF, Maurer M, Galli SJ, Carroll MCJournal of immunology2000
Complement is activated in kidney by endotoxin but does not cause the ensuing acute renal failureCunningham PN, Holers VM, Alexander JJ, Guthridge JM, Carroll MC, Quigg RJKidney international2000
A hierarchical role for classical pathway complement proteins in the clearance of apoptotic cells in vivoTaylor PR, Carugati A, Fadok VA, Cook HT, Andrews M, Carroll MC, Savill JS, Henson PM, Botto M, Walport MJThe Journal of experimental medicine2000
Mouse complement components C4 and Slp act synergistically in a homologous hemolytic C4 assayBeurskens FJ, Tosi M, Shiroisho T, Robins DM, Carroll MC, van Dijk HEuropean journal of immunology2000
Humoral immune responses in Cr2-/- mice: enhanced affinity maturation but impaired antibody persistenceChen Z, Koralov SB, Gendelman M, Carroll MC, Kelsoe GJournal of immunology2000
A protective role for innate immunity in autoimmune diseaseCarroll MCClinical immunology2000
Negative selection of B lymphocytes: a novel role for innate immunityGommerman JL, Carroll MCImmunological reviews2000
The role of complement in B cell activation and toleranceCarroll MCAdvances in immunology2000
The role of complement receptors CD21/CD35 in positive selection of B-1 cellsReid RR, Woodcock S, Prodeus AP, Austen J, Kobzik L, Hechtman H, Moore FD Jr, Carroll MCCurrent topics in microbiology and immunology2000
Regulation of B lymphocyte responses to foreign and self-antigens by the CD19/CD21 complexFearon DT, Carroll MCAnnual review of immunology2000
Humoral response to herpes simplex virus is complement-dependentDa Costa XJ, Brockman MA, Alicot E, Ma M, Fischer MB, Zhou X, Knipe DM, Carroll MCProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1999
Protective T cell-independent antiviral antibody responses are dependent on complementOchsenbein AF, Pinschewer DD, Odermatt B, Carroll MC, Hengartner H, Zinkernagel RMThe Journal of experimental medicine1999
Beta-glucan, a specific biologic response modifier that uses antibodies to target tumors for cytotoxic recognition by leukocyte complement receptor type 3 (CD11b/CD18)Yan J, Vetvicka V, Xia Y, Coxon A, Carroll MC, Mayadas TN, Ross GDJournal of immunology1999
SAP-less chromatin triggers systemic lupus erythematosusPaul E, Carroll MCNature medicine1999
Intestinal reperfusion injury is mediated by IgM and complementWilliams JP, Pechet TT, Weiser MR, Reid R, Kobzik L, Moore FD Jr, Carroll MC, Hechtman HBJournal of applied physiology1999
Innate immunityCarroll MC, Janeway CACurrent opinion in immunology1999
Corneal transplantation in antibody-deficient hostsGoslings WR, Yamada J, Dana MR, Streilein JW, van Beelen E, Prodeus AP, Carroll MC, Jager MJInvestigative ophthalmology & visual science1999
A critical role of natural immunoglobulin M in immediate defense against systemic bacterial infectionBoes M, Prodeus AP, Schmidt T, Carroll MC, Chen JThe Journal of experimental medicine1998
A critical role for complement in maintenance of self-toleranceProdeus AP, Goerg S, Shen LM, Pozdnyakova OO, Chu L, Alicot EM, Goodnow CC, Carroll MCImmunity1998
Acute nephrotoxic serum nephritis in complement knockout mice: relative roles of the classical and alternate pathways in neutrophil recruitment and proteinuriaHébert MJ, Takano T, Papayianni A, Rennke HG, Minto A, Salant DJ, Carroll MC, Brady HRNephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association1998
Evidence for an important interaction between a complement-derived CD21 ligand on follicular dendritic cells and CD21 on B cells in the initiation of IgG responsesQin D, Wu J, Carroll MC, Burton GF, Szakal AK, Tew JGJournal of immunology1998
CD21/CD35 in B cell activationCarroll MCSeminars in immunology1998
The lupus paradoxCarroll MCNature genetics1998
A small molecular weight factor in aqueous humor acts on C1q to prevent antibody-dependent complement activationGoslings WR, Prodeus AP, Streilein JW, Carroll MC, Jager MJ, Taylor AWInvestigative ophthalmology & visual science1998
Dependence of germinal center B cells on expression of CD21/CD35 for survivalFischer MB, Goerg S, Shen L, Prodeus AP, Goodnow CC, Kelsoe G, Carroll MCScience1998
Activated complement component 3 (C3) is required for ultraviolet induction of immunosuppression and antigenic toleranceHammerberg C, Katiyar SK, Carroll MC, Cooper KDThe Journal of experimental medicine1998
Local synthesis of C3 within the splenic lymphoid compartment can reconstitute the impaired immune response in C3-deficient miceFischer MB, Ma M, Hsu NC, Carroll MCJournal of immunology1998
Immune complex glomerulonephritis in C4- and C3-deficient miceQuigg RJ, Lim A, Haas M, Alexander JJ, He C, Carroll MCKidney international1998
Linkages of innate and adaptive immunityCarroll MC, Prodeus APCurrent opinion in immunology1998
The role of complement and complement receptors in induction and regulation of immunityCarroll MCAnnual review of immunology1998
A role for Mac-1 (CDIIb/CD18) in immune complex-stimulated neutrophil function in vivo: Mac-1 deficiency abrogates sustained Fcgamma receptor-dependent neutrophil adhesion and complement-dependent proteinuria in acute glomerulonephritisTang T, Rosenkranz A, Assmann KJ, Goodman MJ, Gutierrez-Ramos JC, Carroll MC, Cotran RS, Mayadas TNThe Journal of experimental medicine1997
Protection against anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM)-mediated nephritis in C3- and C4-deficient miceSheerin NS, Springall T, Carroll MC, Hartley B, Sacks SHClinical and experimental immunology1997
Impaired mast cell-dependent natural immunity in complement C3-deficient miceProdeus AP, Zhou X, Maurer M, Galli SJ, Carroll MCNature1997
Experimental murine acid aspiration injury is mediated by neutrophils and the alternative complement pathwayWeiser MR, Pechet TT, Williams JP, Ma M, Frenette PS, Moore FD, Kobzik L, Hines RO, Wagner DD, Carroll MC, Hechtman HBJournal of applied physiology1997
Increased susceptibility to endotoxin shock in complement C3- and C4-deficient mice is corrected by C1 inhibitor replacementFischer MB, Prodeus AP, Nicholson-Weller A, Ma M, Murrow J, Reid RR, Warren HB, Lage AL, Moore FD Jr, Rosen FS, Carroll MCJournal of immunology1997
Endotoxin shock in antibody-deficient mice: unraveling the role of natural antibody and complement in the clearance of lipopolysaccharideReid RR, Prodeus AP, Khan W, Hsu T, Rosen FS, Carroll MCJournal of immunology1997
Complement and the immune responseCarroll MC, Fischer MBCurrent opinion in immunology1997
Immunoglobulin G-mediated inflammatory responses develop normally in complement-deficient miceSylvestre D, Clynes R, Ma M, Warren H, Carroll MC, Ravetch JVThe Journal of experimental medicine1996
The route of antigen entry determines the requirement for L-selectin during immune responsesCatalina MD, Carroll MC, Arizpe H, Takashima A, Estess P, Siegelman MHThe Journal of experimental medicine1996
Regulation of the B cell response to T-dependent antigens by classical pathway complementFischer MB, Ma M, Goerg S, Zhou X, Xia J, Finco O, Han S, Kelsoe G, Howard RG, Rothstein TL, Kremmer E, Rosen FS, Carroll MCJournal of immunology1996
Reperfusion injury of ischemic skeletal muscle is mediated by natural antibody and complementWeiser MR, Williams JP, Moore FD Jr, Kobzik L, Ma M, Hechtman HB, Carroll MCThe Journal of experimental medicine1996
Antibody response to a T-dependent antigen requires B cell expression of complement receptorsCroix DA, Ahearn JM, Rosengard AM, Han S, Kelsoe G, Ma M, Carroll MCThe Journal of experimental medicine1996
Neutral endopeptidase modulates septic shockLu B, Gerard NP, Kolakowski LF Jr, Finco O, Carroll MC, Gerard CAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences1996
Disruption of the Cr2 locus results in a reduction in B-1a cells and in an impaired B cell response to T-dependent antigenAhearn JM, Fischer MB, Croix D, Goerg S, Ma M, Xia J, Zhou X, Howard RG, Rothstein TL, Carroll MCImmunity1996
Studies of group B streptococcal infection in mice deficient in complement component C3 or C4 demonstrate an essential role for complement in both innate and acquired immunityWessels MR, Butko P, Ma M, Warren HB, Lage AL, Carroll MCProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1995
Neutral endopeptidase modulation of septic shockLu B, Gerard NP, Kolakowski LF Jr, Bozza M, Zurakowski D, Finco O, Carroll MC, Gerard CThe Journal of experimental medicine1995
Structure and genetics of the partially duplicated gene RP located immediately upstream of the complement C4A and the C4B genes in the HLA class III region, Molecular cloning, exon-intron structure, composite retroposon, and breakpoint of gene duplicationShen L, Wu LC, Sanlioglu S, Chen R, Mendoza AR, Dangel AW, Carroll MC, Zipf WB, Yu CYThe Journal of biological chemistry1994
The dichotomous size variation of human complement C4 genes is mediated by a novel family of endogenous retroviruses, which also establishes species-specific genomic patterns among Old World primatesDangel AW, Mendoza AR, Baker BJ, Daniel CM, Carroll MC, Wu LC, Yu CYImmunogenetics1994
Identification of a major binding site for complement C3 on the IgG1 heavy chainShohet JM, Pemberton P, Carroll MCThe Journal of biological chemistry1993
A single arginine to tryptophan interchange at beta-chain residue 458 of human complement component C4 accounts for the defect in classical pathway C5 convertase activity of allotype C4A6, Implications for the location of a C5 binding site in C4Ebanks RO, Jaikaran AS, Carroll MC, Anderson MJ, Campbell RD, Isenman DEJournal of immunology1992
Covalent binding of C3b to C4b within the classical complement pathway C5 convertase, Determination of amino acid residues involved in ester linkage formationKim YU, Carroll MC, Isenman DE, Nonaka M, Pramoonjago P, Takeda J, Inoue K, Kinoshita TThe Journal of biological chemistry1992
Structural differences between the two human complement C4 isotypes affect the humoral immune responseFinco O, Li S, Cuccia M, Rosen FS, Carroll MCThe Journal of experimental medicine1992
Localization of the human complement component C3 binding site on the IgG heavy chainShohet JM, Bergamaschini L, Davis AE, Carroll MCThe Journal of biological chemistry1991
Substitution of a single amino acid (aspartic acid for histidine) converts the functional activity of human complement C4B to C4ACarroll MC, Fathallah DM, Bergamaschini L, Alicot EM, Isenman DEProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1990
Molecular characterization of sialophorin (CD43), the lymphocyte surface sialoglycoprotein defective in Wiskott-Aldrich syndromeShelley CS, Remold-O'Donnell E, Davis AE 3rd, Bruns GA, Rosen FS, Carroll MC, Whitehead ASProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1989
A previously undetected MHC gene with an unusual periodic structureLévi-Strauss M, Carroll MC, Steinmetz M, Meo TScience1988
Organization of the genes encoding complement receptors type 1 and 2, decay-accelerating factor, and C4-binding protein in the RCA locus on human chromosome 1Carroll MC, Alicot EM, Katzman PJ, Klickstein LB, Smith JA, Fearon DTThe Journal of experimental medicine1988
Linkage map of the human major histocompatibility complex including the tumor necrosis factor genesCarroll MC, Katzman P, Alicot EM, Koller BH, Geraghty DE, Orr HT, Strominger JL, Spies TProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1987
Heterogeneity in the structural basis of the human complement C4A null allele (C4A Q0) as revealed by HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism analysisUring-Lambert B, Vegnaduzzi N, Carroll MC, Tongio MM, Goetz J, Hauptmann GFEBS letters1987
Molecular characterization of the HLA-linked steroid 21-hydroxylase B gene from an individual with congenital adrenal hyperplasiaRodrigues NR, Dunham I, Yu CY, Carroll MC, Porter RR, Campbell RDThe EMBO journal1987
Molecular genetics of the fourth component of human complementCarroll MCFederation proceedings1987
Polymorphism and molecular genetics of human C4Carroll MC, Alper CABritish medical bulletin1987
DNA polymorphism of human HLA-linked complement C4 allotypes, including C4 null alleles, in the Finnish populationPartanen J, Peltonen L, Koskimies S, Carroll MCHuman heredity1987
Polymorphism of the human complement C4 and steroid 21-hydroxylase genes, Restriction fragment length polymorphisms revealing structural deletions, homoduplications, and size variantsSchneider PM, Carroll MC, Alper CA, Rittner C, Whitehead AS, Yunis EJ, Colten HRThe Journal of clinical investigation1986
Deletion of the steroid 21-hydroxylase and complement C4 genes in congenital adrenal hyperplasiaRumsby G, Carroll MC, Porter RR, Grant DB, Hjelm MJournal of medical genetics1986
Molecular genetics of the fourth component of human complementCarroll MC, Palsdottir A, Belt KT, Yu CYBiochemical Society symposium1986
The molecular genetics of components of complementCampbell RD, Carroll MC, Porter RRAdvances in immunology1986
Molecular genetics of the fourth component of human complement and steroid 21-hydroxylaseCarroll MC, Belt KT, Palsdottir A, Yu YImmunological reviews1985
Deletion of complement C4 and steroid 21-hydroxylase genes in the HLA class III regionCarroll MC, Palsdottir A, Belt KT, Porter RRThe EMBO journal1985
Mapping of steroid 21-hydroxylase genes adjacent to complement component C4 genes in HLA, the major histocompatibility complex in manCarroll MC, Campbell RD, Porter RRProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1985
Polymorphism of human complement component C4Belt KT, Yu CY, Carroll MC, Porter RRImmunogenetics1985
Localization of C4 genes within the HLA complex by molecular genotypingRobinson MA, Carroll MC, Johnson AH, Hartzman RJ, Belt KT, Kindt TJImmunogenetics1985
Structure and organization of the C4 genesCarroll MC, Belt T, Palsdottir A, Porter RRPhilosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological sciences1984
The structural basis of the multiple forms of human complement component C4Belt KT, Carroll MC, Porter RRCell1984
A molecular map of the human major histocompatibility complex class III region linking complement genes C4, C2 and factor BCarroll MC, Campbell RD, Bentley DR, Porter RRNature1984
Correlation between a DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism and C4A6 proteinPalsdottir A, Cross SJ, Edwards JH, Carroll MCNature1983
Cloning of a human complement component C4 geneCarroll MC, Porter RRProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1983
Identification of H-2-controlled structural variants of the murine Slp protein and demonstration of cis-regulation of its expressionParker KL, Carroll MC, Shreffler DC, Capra JDJournal of immunology1981
Structural studies on the murine fourth component of complement (C4), IV, Demonstration that C4 and Slp are encoded by separate lociCarroll MC, Passmore HC, Capra JDJournal of immunology1980
The enhancement of humoral and cellular immune responses by dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromideGordon WC, Prager MD, Carroll MCCellular immunology1980
Studies on murine Ss protein: demonstration that S region encodes structural gene for fourth component of complementCarroll MC, Capra JDProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1979
Studies on the protein products of murine chromosome 17:a status reportCook R, Carroll MC, Uhr JW, Vitetta ES, Capra JDTransplantation proceedings1978
Studies on the murine Ss protein: demonstration that the Ss protein is functionally the fourth component of complementCarroll MC, Capra JDProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1978